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Writer's picturebnmoye

Nuzzel for News

I hate searching for important and relevant news.

I have one folder on my iPhone filled with different news apps, CNN, NPR, Buzzfeed, etc. I am constantly switching between my Iphone apps and my laptop bookmarks to stay fully informed on all the latest news articles.

Recently, I stopped using them in favor of this nifty news-reading app called Nuzzel.

I am obsessed with Nuzzel because it creates an incredibly smooth and simple newsfeed based on what my friends are reading and sharing on other social media and what their friends are sharing. You receive a feed of headlines that are relevant to what your friends or family find interesting that they are tweeting about.

I don’t have to skim through the news anymore because my friends and family are sharing the news that is important. Most of my friends and family are between the ages of 20-45 and they are sharing news that is actually interesting to their interest or concerns. I am able to stay updated on local news and uprising trends and conflicts. Extremely relevant to any PR professional.

Nuzzel has accumulated over 3719 downloads just this week, according to App Annie’s download rankings.


When using Nuzzel, you can read stuff that is relevant to your friend’s interest. Most of my friends and family read similar news outlets, however they might pick out other articles that interest them that I did not necessarily see or think of interest. This allows me to be observant of what the public is concerned with or what might interest them. PR professionals can continue to stay up to date on any news stories.

There is a feature on the app called friends-of-friends feed. This is most interesting because it surfaces interesting information from a further reach, however sill relevant to my social bubble.

Apple has numerous apps like Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms that feed news stories just as efficiently. However, Nuzzel appears to solve the problem in mobile news distribution; crating news-feed aggregation in a revenant and timely manner, while staying interesting.

Why I like Nuzzle –

While using the app this week, I noticed the amount of notification that I receive are not “too much”. I have my notifications set to notify me no more than 5 times a day. Nuzzle will usually notify me when more than 5 of my friends have share the same article – meaning it is picking out the ones shared more in order to meet my 8 a day-limit without sending me the most recent articles shared. I love this feature because I am not being fed random news articles or stories, but popular news articles or stories.

Direct links to the articles allows me to pull up the original source of the content. This feature is especially essential to PR professionals when quoting and referencing news sources are required to write a credible press release or blog post.

Timely news articles allow me to stay up to date on the latest news stories shared by my friends and family.


The app is extremely easy to use in mobile. Displayed on the left hand drop down menu is newsletters, top news, top videos, discover. I like to view the top videos section to see what my friends are watching and sharing. More information could be shared with video content that article content did not cover. And I LOVE videos.

The content on Nuzzle is easy to find or search. Nuzzle keeps articles organized by friend in the last 24 hours. I have spent hours on Twitter or Facebook searching for a specific article that my mother shared yesterday afternoon. Nuzzle’s easy organization of old news shared by friends within the last 24 hours keeps track of very popular articles that I might have missed.

Nuzzle Newsletters – a feature that allows you to create your own newsletter in minutes. This newsletter can be shared with friends or on the app for user to subscribe to stay in touch with daily news. This feature is so cool for PR professionals because you can create your own newsletter that shares all the articles you thought were personally interesting or relevant while gaining engagement or subscribers. PR can release articles relevant to their business and gain subscribers all in one app.


My only suggestion might be a feature that allows you to download the articles and read offline. Sometimes when I am borrowing I don’t have enough time to read all 8 articles at that moment. The easy store of articles would help keep me updated and involved with important news.

Wish App: If I could have the ultimate app for PR blogging or content creation it would have similar foundation to Nuzzel because I believe it is important to stay up to date with what others are reading or interested in. The app would have a feature to organize relevant hash tags to stay up to date on trending topics or styles for each platform. Hash tags have been a popular feature in mobile development and continue to keep information organized and categorized. Last, the app would have a schedule feature that allows posting and sharing content easy and simply to post from a mobile device on multiple different platforms.

Download Nuzzle on Apple here

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